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  • It does , It does , from monday to friday.......
    It does...
    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

    Fab & Chris FIBO & GEOMETRY


    • What does?Monday to Friday? Pesavento Map? If that's what you mean, you need to give more details, here's the daily and looks nothing like the weekly. In fact, the daily at one time showed a dive mid- Oct into Jan.

      Originally posted by scorpios
      It does , It does , from monday to friday.......
      It does...
      Attached Files


      • Ok
        Let's put it in this way

        The Map is pefect as pattern . Accoreding to the fact that the weekly market has a certain pattern the repeat himself during certain days of the week.

        I am not saying that uit is not fine for others TF. Do not make me tell too much publicly


        The fact is thart Larry- as well as Bryce - are much more than Genious
        Last edited by fabrizio; 11-25-2003, 05:02 AM.
        Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


        • Larry has a better map model in his chat room and yes he is very smart and I've learned alot from him. This is a Galactic chart with ES and the spike hit the 1054 Saturn price line, which I will use to look for shorts today and just for today.

          Originally posted by fabrizio
          Let's put it in this way

          The Map is pefect as pattern . Accoreding to the fact that the weekly market has a certain pattern the repeat himself during certain days of the week.

          I am not saying that uit is not fine for others TF. Do not make me tell too much publicly


          The fact is thart Larry- as well as Bryce - are much more than Genious
          Attached Files


          • Got the spike, if only I could average $450 every half hour all day.Maybe someday.
            Attached Files


            • Chris

              Well done....

              OI took partially the way up up, and thks god hit reversal button and the whole way down........

              Cool man , gotta be cool
              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


              • Up and Down

                Attached Files
                Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

                Fab & Chris FIBO & GEOMETRY


                • Your a machine my friend. We are the chosen ones.

                  The symbol of all relationships among rational men, the moral symbol of respect for human beings, is the trader. We, who live by values, not by loot, both in manner and in spirit. A trader is a man who earns what he gets and does not take the undeserved. A trader does not squander his body as fodder or his soul as alms. Just as he does not give his work except in trade for material values, so he does not give the values of his spirit - his love, his friendship, his esteem - except in payment and in trade for human virtues, in payment for his own selfish pleasure, which he receives from men he can respect. The mystic parasites who have, throughout the ages, reviled the traders and held them in contempt, while honoring the beggars and the looters, have known the secret motive of their sneers: a trader in the entity they dread - a man of justice.


                  • Taken from another site

                    "Trading is the canvas in which you paint your self portrait.

                    Trading is the harmony you hear when you choose to forgive yourself.

                    Trading is getting over yourself, despite yourself.

                    Trading is being afraid, but doing it anyway.

                    Trading is the pardoning of prisoners from your past experiences.

                    Trading is defining what you can control and accepting what you can not.

                    Trading is finding out your losses will become your greatest gains of all.

                    Trading is forgetting where you have been so you can devote your energies on where you need to go.

                    Trading is the judging and sentencing of oneself.

                    Trading is asking yourself "What if", rather than "Why".

                    Trading is about the ability to act with conviction when entered into confusion.

                    Trading is letting the proof of a position be bore by the market and the responsibility to act as planned be bore by oneself.

                    Trading is the unit of measure by which you can test your limits.

                    Trading is a garden of personal growth within a field of opportunity.

                    Trading is the ability to focus attention on your surroundings instead of yourself.

                    Trading is made secure by the procurement of self- trust.

                    Trading is the illusion of self; fostered by the ego and fueled by the guilt, fear, and anger within.

                    Trading is the journey that takes you through knowledge and returns you back to simplicity.

                    Trading is a process of discovery aided by others but found by oneself.

                    Trading is the foreshadowing of where you will go by the journal of where you have been.

                    Trading is an exercise of the mind without the straining of the soul.

                    Trading is the monitoring of your thoughts and understanding they are not you, but only thoughts.

                    Trading is the rewarding of risk so you can continue to risk your rewards.

                    Trading is the recognition of patterns in the market as well as in oneself.

                    Trading is the shaking of the meek by the hand of the strong.

                    Trading is the struggle within yourself when you choose conflict over submission.

                    Trading is choosing patience when lured by the bait of excitement.

                    Trading is knowing the difference between what trading really is and what others would lead you to believe it to be.

                    Trading is the confidence you keep by the persistence you are willing to pay.

                    Trading is something to do with money. I just haven't figured out what quite yet."


                    • Chris

                      Look how good the algorithm works on a very short TF.

                      P.S. Great words
                      Attached Files
                      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                      • The one that is packaged with Ensign is older than the one he has in his chat room. The Ensign version "fits" the past action to the present action, but is NOT indicative of the future action. Look at the properties and see the update setting, by default it is 1 hour, I have every 15 minutes setting. The one in the chat room is very dynamic and looks like my AIR model as well as other services I subscribe to . So if you want a much better Pesavento map subscribe to his chat room, which is expensive, and THAT one will impress you.

                        Originally posted by fabrizio

                        Look how good the algorithm works on a very short TF.

                        P.S. Great words


                        • Yes is true, we got lag on it.

                          BTW , Did you got Sergey and Alphee tapes too ?
                          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                          • My trading partner did and we still are working on getting to use eveything, very large program.

                            Originally posted by fabrizio
                            Yes is true, we got lag on it.

                            BTW , Did you got Sergey and Alphee tapes too ?


                            • I know that is the reason of my question. I 'm ordering the plat. but is such an immense job of learning set ups and so on, that I am afraid it could drag time and energy from my 3 type analisys.

                              So that's why I asked you.
                              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                              • My problem is lack of knowledge with astronomy at the time I bought it. I would suggest more education before the investment of 3K. I still need more 1 year after the purchase.Check out this chart, the retrancement lines are pulled from the Nov11 low to the Nov 21 low and the pyrapoint is anchored from the high Nov 14. The last two days look corrective and not like a new leg up. We'll find out next week.Also look at the end-of-square Tuesday afternoon (where it says 614) and marked the top before the stiff drop.

                                Originally posted by fabrizio
                                I know that is the reason of my question. I 'm ordering the plat. but is such an immense job of learning set ups and so on, that I am afraid it could drag time and energy from my 3 type analisys.

                                So that's why I asked you.
                                Attached Files

